Workplace training
At Transform our mission is to support you as you move into the workplace environment with a range of programs and courses to prepare you for your future career. Our courses will provide you with the necessary key skills and understanding to enable you to work safely within your new environment and to understand the impact your actions and decision making can have on your organisation.

All our courses have been meticulously developed and optimised the provide you with the best method of delivery. We understand that time is precious, and we cannot always dedicate work time to attending training programs. With this in mind we have tailored our programs to allow for online self-directed learning where possible, so you can learn at a time convenient to yourself. Other course take a hybrid approach to delivery where you will be guided via an on-line instructor. At the highest level of qualification, we provide classroom-based learning, where you will be guided and instructed by subject matter experts with a wealth of experience in your chosen fields.